Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wal-nots? F-duh, US-duh and other unhealthy alphabet soup...

Walnuts are Drugs Says FDA
It is heartening that people are trying to get back to whole food - food that energizes and builds your systems and fuels you for good works. It is also obvious that we must work at this individually, locally and with a discerning attitude.

I spotted a saying yesterday:

Real eyes
real lies

It is time to stop looking to (or if you are already working toward self-sufficiency, allowing)the administration of this country to tell free citizens what or what not to do. I don't mean traffic signals or fraudulent contracts - there certainly is a place for building infrastructure and judging acts that violate civil liberties (with appropriate due process, not via an agency designed to skirt the people's voice in lawmaking). But the public servants of the U.S. government (the government being the people) are so desperate to be indispensable they entrench themselves in areas that should be left to each individual, family and community. If I wish to obtain and eat a walnut, or even gather and sell them then I should have the freedom to do so. If I do not do my research then yes I might become ill or I might be creating an opportunity for some other easily led soul to become ill. I will suffer the natural consequences either way. Is it easier to pay a behemoth administration do the research and caution me - probably - but if I give up my responsibility I also give up my freedom and leave my future to the agenda, which may or may not be in my best interest, or others. The odds for a meaningful and fulfilling existence are better if I take care of myself, if my family makes it's own food choices and if my local community reaches out face to face with those who cannot do these things for themselves. We must strive, through research, education and our own hands-on experience to cultivate real eyes so we can think and act for ourselves. Easier said than done? Sure. Are we up to the task? More than we know. Worth it? Definitely.

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