There is one thing I am more in favor of than a whole food, self-sustaining lifestyle and that is a person's right to choose or not choose it - or any given lifestyle. If I want to drink raw milk I will drink raw milk. If I want to drink lighter fluid I will - I will suffer the consequences that naturally occur but at least that stemmed from my right to live my life on my own terms, so long as that immediate action doesn't infringe upon the rights of another.
This article has some VERY disturbing quotes from Law Professor Rick Hills. Do we realize we have been allowing the courts to set a precedent for government to curtail our freedom? The defense that a bill, should it be made law, infringes on our personal freedom should and by rights (and a little document some government representatives like to misrepresent or ignore all together) ought to be ENOUGH to warrant that bill's failure.
The telling part of this article is Mayor Bloomberg's lamenting the health system having to compensate for people's less-than-healthy choices. The government SHOULD NOT be involved in health care, period. If anything is inflated, bloated, overextended and excessive, it is our government and the many extensions of it (most of which were not sanctioned by the people - an officeholder abuse in and of itself). A bill reducing government size and its over-reaching infringement is what is in order here.
Free will (provided the immediate action does not trod upon a fellow human) is human dignity and self - I repeat SELF-sustenance is a worthy goal. Those in support of placing conditions on how others live their lives are generally either weak themselves or have an agenda, usually involving justification of their own jobs or a desire to control others in an effort to elevate their own station. This is arrogance, this is flagrant bullying and this is WRONG.
“Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough
to take everything you have. The course of history shows us that as a
government grows, liberty decreases.”
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government
has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”